Titel |
20 greatest hits : [Tonträger] / Interpr.: Lee Dorsey |
Beteiligt |
Lee Dorsey (Ausführender) |
Erschienen |
[S.l.] : Repertoire Music |
Umfang |
1 CD + Beil. |
Enthält |
Enth.: Working in the coalmine. Ya ya twist. Do-re-mi. Get out of my life woman. Ride your pony. Everything I do gohn be funky (from now on). Holy cow. My old car. Go-go-girl. Lootie Mo. Can you hear me. A lover was born. Candy yam. What you want (is what you get). Yes we can. Whoʹs gonna help. Sneakinʹ Sally through the alley. A place where we can be free. Occapella. Hoodlum Joe |
Datensatz-ID |
1007852216 |
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