Titel |
Government control of the economic order : a symposium / edited by Benjamin E. Lippincott, assistant professor of political science, University of Minnesota |
Beteiligt |
Benjamin E. Lippincott (Herausgeber) |
Erschienen |
Minneapolis, Minnesota: The University of Minnesota Press |
Umfang |
VIII, 119 Seiten |
Sprache |
Land |
Themengebiet |
Werk |
Government control of the economic order (Konferenzschrift) (1935) (Minneapolis, Minn.; London) |
Reihe |
Sammlung |
Weitere Angaben |
"The papers in this volume ... were read or their subject matter was given orally at the political theory round table of the American Political Science Association in December, 1933. Mr. Feiler's paper is an exception, having been contributed after the meeting." - Vorwort. - Enthält unter anderem: Economic limitations of government control / by Gerhard Colm. S. 18-30. - Government control in Russia / by emil Lederer. S. 31-42. - Cartels and the state in the light of German experience / by Otto Nathan. S. 55-71. - Public enterprise in Germany / by Arthur Feiler. S. 86-103 |
Datensatz-ID |
1123687412 |
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