Titel |
Prospective superficial EPR in-vivo dosimetry study during hypofractionated radiotherapy of breast cancer patients treated with helical tomotherapy / Sebastian Höfel, Matteo Gandalini, Michael K. Fix, Malte Drescher, Felix Zwicker |
Beteiligt |
Sebastian Höfel (Verfasser) |
Erschienen |
Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz |
Umfang |
Online-Ressource |
Sprache |
Land |
Themengebiet |
Thema |
In vivo, EPR dosimetry, Lithium formate, Alanine, Breast cancer, Radiotherapy, IMRT, Tomotherapy, Hypofractionated |
DDC-Notation |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
In: Radiation Oncology ; 16 (2021), 1. - 209. - BioMed Central. - eISSN 1748-717X |
Datensatz-ID |
124529766X |
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