Titel |
Orchestrators of coordination : Towards a new role of the state in coordinated capitalism? / Marius R. Busemeyer, Martin B. Carstensen, Patrick Emmenegger |
Beteiligt |
Marius R. Busemeyer (Verfasser) |
Erschienen |
Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz |
Umfang |
Online-Ressource |
Sprache |
Land |
Themengebiet |
Thema |
vocational education and training, corporatism, state, Germany, Switzerland, collective skills |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
In: European Journal of Industrial Relations ; 28 (2022), 2. - S. 231-250. - Sage Publications. - ISSN 0959-6801. - eISSN 1461-7129 |
Datensatz-ID |
1259219550 |
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