Titel |
The impact of experiencing severe physical abuse in childhood on adolescent refugees' emotional distress and integration during the COVID-19 pandemic / Flurina Potter, Katalin Dohrmann, Brigitte Rockstroh, Maggie Schauer, Anselm Crombach |
Beteiligt |
Flurina Potter (Verfasser) |
Erschienen |
Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz |
Umfang |
Online-Ressource |
Sprache |
Land |
Themengebiet |
Thema |
refugees, physical abuse, childhood abuse, post-migration stressors, COVID-19 pandemic integration,, emotional distress, mental health |
DDC-Notation |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
In: Frontiers in Psychology ; 13 (2022). - 1023252. - Frontiers Research Foundation. - eISSN 1664-1078 |
Datensatz-ID |
1275985203 |
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