Titel |
Matters of the heart / [all songs written by Tracy Chapman] |
Beteiligt |
Tracy Chapman (Komponist, Instrumentalmusiker) |
Erschienen |
Umfang |
1 Compact Disc + Beih. |
Enthält |
Enth.: Bang, bang, bang. So. I used to be a sailor. The love that you had. Woman's work. If these are the things. Short supply. Dreaming on a world. Open arms. Matters of the heart. |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
Interpr.: Chapman, Tracy [g voc]. Jackson, Randy [b]. Katché, Manu [dr]. Bittan, Roy [acc keys]. Thornton, Steve [perc]... - P 1992. |
Datensatz-ID |
352713747 |
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