Titel |
Roy Acuff - The king of country music |
Beteiligt |
Roy Acuff (Ausführender)
Lonnie Wilson (Instrumentalmusiker) Jess Esterhasy (Instrumentalmusiker) Oswald, Bashful Brother (Instrumentalmusiker) |
Erschienen |
Umfang |
2 Compact Discs in Box + Beih. |
Enthält |
Enth.: Tied down. What will I do. Is it love or is it lies. Lonesome Joe. Sweep around your own back door. Don't say goodbye. Swamp Lily. Sixteen chickens and a tambourine. Rushing around. Whoa mule. Sunshine special. I closed my heart's door. I'm planting a rose. River of crystal. Please daddy forgive. Streamline heartbreaker. Six more days. The thief upon thee tree. Don't judge your neighbour. The night spots. The great speckled bird. Lonely mound of Clay. Pins and needles. Wabash cannon ball. The great judgement morning. The wreck on the highway. The precious jewel. Night train to Memphis. That's what makes the jukebox play. Little Moses. What do you think about me. Oh those tombs. Come back little Pal. Fire ball mail. I'm building a home. The great Titanic. Goodbye Mister Brown. Mother hold me tight. Crazy worried mind. Along the China coast. It's hard to love. Plant some flowers by my graveside. I wanta be loved. I like mountain music. Jesus died for me. Thank God. Were you there when they crucified my Lord. How beautiful heaven must be. The unclouded day. Hold to God's unchanging hand. Lord build me a cabin. Where the soul never dies. Shake my mother's hand for me. Take my hand, precious Lord. This world is not my home. Where could I go. |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
Interpr.: Acuff, Roy [kazoo voc]. Wilson, Lonnie [g]. Esterhasy, Jess [g]. Oswald <Bashful Brother> [bj el-g harm voc...] Zinkan, Joe [b]. Forrester, Howard [fiddle]. Riddle, Jimmy [harm org p]... - Aufn.: 1953 - 1958. - P 1953 - 1993; P 1993. |
Datensatz-ID |
352974370 |
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