Titel |
Play those oldies M[iste]r D.J. : 16 great tracks!!!. Vol. 4. Twistin' the night away / [Interpr.:] Lesley Gore ; Timy Yuro ; Dolly Parton ... |
Beteiligt |
Timi Yuro (Sänger)
Dolly Parton (Sänger) Lee Hazlewood (Sänger) Anthony & the Sophomores (Musikgruppe) (Ausführender) |
Erschienen |
Hamburg: Phonogram |
Umfang |
1 Schallpl. : 33 UpM |
Enthält |
Enth.: Play those oldies Mister D.J. Bop-a-lena. Sweeter than you. Twistin' the night away. Shakin' all over. Out in the streets. Twenty-four hours from Tulsa. Where have all the flowers gone. It's my party. I can't sit down. Little darlin'. Cuttin' in. Hey Paula. Nobody but you. Sun of a gun. Blowin' in the wind. |
Teil von |
Weitere Angaben |
Interpr.: Anthony and the Sophmores. Searchers. Shangri-Las. Hyland, Brian [voc]. Yuro, Timi [voc]. Parton, Dolly [voc]. Hazlewood, Lee [voc]... - Auch erhältl. als Kompaktkassette, Best.-Nr. 7133186. - (P) 1961 - 1966. |
Datensatz-ID |
35393982X |
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