Titel |
Purcell in the ale house : English part songs |
Beteiligt |
Christopher Wilson (Instrumentalmusiker) |
Erschienen |
Umfang |
1 Compact Disc + Beih. |
Enthält |
Enth.: Hey ho, to the greenwood. Yonder comes. I cannot come every day. Tomorrow the fox will come. Canst thou love. Who liveth so merry. Long have we bin perplext. Hey ho, nobody at home. Give us once a drink. Who's the fool now? / Thomas Ravenscroft. - Luer falconers. 'round about in a fair ring / John Bennet. - Hey trola, trola / Edward Pearce. - We cats when assembled / Richard Browne. - Since time so kind. Once, twice, thrice. Would you know. Under this stone / Henry Purcell. - Celia learning on the spinnet / John Isham. - The glories of our birth / Edward Coleman. - Diaphenia. Down-a-down / Francis Pilkington. - Thinkst thou Kate / Robert Jones. - A shepherd in a shade. Fine knacks for ladies. Where sin sore wounding / John Dowland. - Never weather-beaten sail. Jack and Jone / Thomas Campion. |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
Interpr.: Pro Cantione Antiqua <London>. Wilson, Christopher [Lt]. Hunt, William [Vagb]. - Aufn.: 1978 u. 1979. - P 1980. |
Datensatz-ID |
355587475 |
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