Titel |
A program of twentieth century harpsichord music |
Beteiligt |
Ralph Kirkpatrick (Instrumentalmusiker) |
Erschienen |
Umfang |
1 Compact Disc + Beih. |
Enthält |
Enth.: Set of four / Henry Cowell. - Six sonatas / Lou Harrison. - Dance for harpsichord (1919) / Frederick Delius. - Fantasie symphonique (1939) / Ernst Lévy. - Le voyage à Montfort / Peter Mieg. - Grave, from Partita (1954) / Halsey Stevens. - Andante sostenuto - Allegro, from Sonatas for harpsichord FS&H, op. 52 / Vincent Persichetti. - Sonata no. 1 / Douglas Allanbrook. - Recitative and toccata percossa / Mel Powell. - Toccate per cembalo (1955) / David Kraehenbuehl. |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
Interpr.: Kirkpatrick, Ralph [Cemb]. - Aufn.: 1961. - Nebent.: A recital of 20th-century harpsichord music. - P 1997. |
Datensatz-ID |
356115380 |
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