Titel |
Full circle : Lou Rawls sings gospels |
Beteiligt |
Lou Rawls (Sänger) |
Erschienen |
Hamburg: R. David, H. Heinrichs [u.a.] |
Label |
Documents (LC 12281) |
Umfang |
1 Compact Disc + Beil. |
Enthält |
I don't feel no ways tired. Please be patient with me. Near the cross. Oh happy day. How great thou art. Peace in the valley. Blessed assurance. Jesus be a fence all around me. Did you stop. Nearer my God to thee. I touched the hem of his garment. Were you there. He's got the whole world in his hands. Amazing grace. That's heaven to me. God is. Something within us. Closer walk with thee. Amen. His eyes are on the sparrow. Thank God for standing by. People get ready. I'm blessed. You've got to move. |
Themengebiet |
Persistent Identifier |
Weitere Angaben |
P 2001. |
Datensatz-ID |
358835429 |
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