Titel |
The blue hour : 22 Stücke für Gitarre im Blues- und Rockfeeling / Kurt Schumacher |
Beteiligt |
Kurt Schumacher (Komponist) |
Erschienen |
Umfang |
31 S. |
Enthält |
The moo. The blue hour. Somethin' funny. Cannery Row. Stop and go. Dragon tears. Salinas Valley rock. The pancake rag. Lazy fingers. Another ugly mawnin'. Busy thumb boogie. Old Hornie's rag. The gangsta blues. The monkey bar. Messin' around. Dirty town rag. Orange sky. The last dime. Rock the blues. Sweet Thursday. Changin'. Killin' time. |
M-2044-2642-3 |
Themengebiet |
Datensatz-ID |
360239781 |
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